Neck Pain After An Accident? 3 Major Signs It’s Time To See A Chiropractor

Were you recently in a car accident? You might not notice your aches and pains right away. Within a few days, however, you might experience back or neck pain that requires professional help.

Should you see a chiropractor for neck pain? More people rely on chiropractors than you might realize. 

In fact, it’s estimated that chiropractors treat over 27 million Americans annually for everything from mobility issues to headaches. 

Still not convinced? Keep reading to discover the three major signs that you should see a chiropractor. By keeping track of these signs, you can make an appointment before your pain gets worse. 

Prepare yourself with this guide!

What Chiropractors Do

Chiropractors treat people who have alignment issues throughout their spines.

During your first visit, the chiropractor will take your health history, ask about your symptoms, and perform a physical exam. They’ll pay special attention to your spine and determine if you have normal bone density as well. 

If you were recently in a car accident, they’ll also take note of your pain before and after the incident occurred. Many people visit a chiropractor for back or neck pain following an accident. For example, whiplash might cause inflammation around your neck that can contribute to your pain.

During a treatment, a chiropractor will use their hands to apply controlled pressure to the damaged or injured joint. This process allows them to move the joint, which can help reduce your pain and inflammation. 

Many chiropractors use high-velocity cervical adjustments to reduce chronic pain.

During this process, the chiropractor will ask you to relax your head in their hands. Then, they’ll quickly thrust your head to the right or left. This can sometimes produce a cracking sound and improve your alignment.

Patients with lower levels of bone density require low-velocity cervical adjustments. These adjustments take a gentler approach, which can benefit patients with arthritis. 

The Benefits of Seeing a Chiropractor

In addition to improving your back and neck pain, there are many benefits of seeing a chiropractor. Whether you were recently in a car accident or experience chronic pain, here are a few ways a chiropractor can help. 

1. Immunity

With a healthy immune system, your body can fight off the bacteria and viruses it comes into contact with. Your nervous system controls how your tissues, organs, and cells function. A misalignment, however, can reduce your immune system’s ability to keep these systems in balance.

Visiting a chiropractor can help improve your body’s immunity.

They’ll realign your spine, which will help your immune system fight intruders and bacteria. 

By scheduling regular appointments with a chiropractor, you can prepare your body to fight off colds and illnesses.

2. Digestion

Experiencing a lot of stomach issues? A chiropractor can help improve your digestive health, too. The nerves in your spine are also associated with your stomach.

When the vertebrae aren’t aligned properly, your nerves respond by producing more acid.

This can lead to heartburn, acid reflux, and gas. 

chiropractic adjustment can ensure the nerves in your thoracic spine work properly to eliminate these stomach issues. 

3. Energy

Reducing tension in your spine and ensuring your nerves work properly can increase your energy. Over time, pain can start to feel normal. Back and neck pain, along with an ineffective nervous system, can leave you feeling run down. By getting an adjustment, you can ensure your body is operating at its best. 

Signs It’s Time for An Appointment

After a car accident, you might not notice your symptoms right away. In time, however, you might recognize aches and pains are wearing you down. Here are a few reasons it’s likely time to see a chiropractor.

1. Headaches

While many factors can cause a headache, muscle tension in your neck following a car accident is a common cause.

Headaches often occur as a result of muscle tension and joint irritation. A sedentary lifestyle can also cause chronic headaches or migraines. 

A chiropractor can alleviate the tension in your head with spinal manipulations. By restoring balance to your spine, you can ease the pressure from your neck and reduce your head pain.

2. Aches and Pains

By middle age, an estimated 30 to 50% of people have an episode of neck pain within a one-year period. Your chances of experiencing back and/or neck pain are more likely after a car accident. 

Instead of relying on pain medication, consider visiting a chiropractor. They can treat the source of the problem instead of masking your symptoms.

You might also want to visit a chiropractor if you’re an active person.

Having a labor-intensive job, sports, and other strenuous activities can add stress to your body. This can result in alignment issues and pinched nerves. In time, this can cause joint or muscle pain as well. 

A chiropractic adjustment can relieve your back and nerve pain to keep your body in the best possible shape.

If you’re still unsure about visiting a chiropractor, check the wear on the soles of your shoes. Is the wear uneven? This indicates a misalignment, which can contribute to your back and neck pain.


Take notice if you experience shooting pains in your legs as well.

Let your chiropractor know about these symptoms during your first visit so they can help. 

3. Low Mobility & Flexibility

When your spine is out of alignment, it can compromise how your joints move. This can impact your mobility and flexibility.

Sitting for extended periods of time can impact your posture and range of motion as well.

In fact, prolonged sitting can contribute to degenerative diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. If you want to become more health-conscious and improve your posture, mobility, and flexibility, visit a chiropractor.

They can improve your spinal alignment, which can help prevent these health concerns. 

Say No to Back and Neck Pain: Signs It’s Time to See a Chiropractor

After a car accident, back and neck pain can impact your overall quality of life. Take note of these symptoms after your accident. If these issues persist, it’s time to see a chiropractor. 

Don’t waste time searching for “chiropractors near me.” You’ve found one! Schedule an appointment with us today to experience pain relief.

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  1. Joe December 28, 2020 at 7:23 am - Reply

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  2. Naples Spine And Disc January 26, 2021 at 4:05 am - Reply

    Very good! Well explained.
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  3. Cornerstone Chiropractic Clinic February 18, 2021 at 1:10 am - Reply

    Greetings, Thank you for sharing your blog on 3 major signs that its time to see a chiropractor when having a neck pain after an accident.

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    We are specialized in treating and preventing sports injury and many more chiropractic issues and treatment.

    Thank You.
    – Cornerstone Chiropractic Clinic

  4. Dr. Darek Finger April 20, 2021 at 4:10 pm - Reply

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